Kick-off meeting

NATO new project kickoff meeting summary

Determination of exposed dose and radioactive source identity in radiological emergency

SPS G5647 


Warsaw Oct 28th, 2019




Prof.Dr. Zehra Yegingil
Cukurova University
Dr. MBBS MA MRCP Yaacov Richard Lawrence
Sheba Medical Center
Prof.Dr. Yan Yu
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Prof.Dr. Sergii Ubizskii
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Ph.D., D.Sc. Vadim Chumak
Radiation Protection Institute, Academy of Technological Sciences of Ukraine
 Prof.Dr.Kasim Kurt
Mersin University
 D.Sc. Prof. Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy
Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)
 Prof.Dr.Wei Gao
The University of Auckland


Zehra Yegingil – Introduction to the meeting

 Previous NATO project 11.11.2014-10.6.2018 sfp984649

  • We had regular 6 meetings
  • Two groups of materials – low Z and high Z
  • BeO:Ca,Al
  • YAIO3:Mn2+
  • Badges and OSL reader
  • The idea developed that a combination of high and low Z can be used to determine radionucleotide.
  • NATO suggested that the project is renewed.
  • Publications – from different groups
  • Applied for Patent (and obtained?)


New project overview, Zehra Yegingil 2019 –

Determination of exposed dose and radioactive source identity in radiological emergency
  • Discussed the various members
  • All in previous the project, 3 changes
  • Gao from NZ – an expert in nanostructures
  • Yaroslav is now a full co-director at IFPAS Poland
  • Sergei Ubizskii will create OSL reader
  • There are 3 components to the emergency dosimeter
  • Luminescent material
  • Casing + special filters
  • The reader


Sergei Ubizskii, Lviv – the new project (came with Andrie Luchechko Ph.D.)

  • Design of OSL reader,
  • Previous project -YAP:Mn characterize as a thermo-luminescent crystal
  • Also, they have developed a reader (was not a formal part of the previous project)
  • New aim - To develop a reader suitable for both YAP:Mn and BeO

Discussed three options:

  • Dosimeter with two materials (high Z and low Z) – this requires a complex reader
  • One material (high Z) with different thicknesses
  • One material with different filters [less practical]


Vadim Chumak, Ukraine

  • Energy dependency of thermoluminescence can be seen as a disadvantage or advantage since it allows to determine the energy composition of spectrum
  • With added filter can modify the energy response and make it more meaningful


Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy - Warsaw

  • High Z phosphor OSL dosimetry
  • Aim to further improve the material by adding Lu
  • Three research groups
  • Oxide crystals (IP PAS Warsaw)
  • High-pressure spectroscopy (IP PAS Warsaw)
  • Dep radiation physics and dosimetry (INP PAS Cracow)


Yaacov Lawrence and Sergey Dubinski, Sheba


  • Medical need related to types of a radiological accident
  • Importance of radionucleotide detection
  • Types of irradiator
  • Discussion – need to determine the spectrum of kilovoltage machine
  • Two things that could be done and have not been done yet
  • Blind irradiation and have the Turkish/Ukrainian groups determine dose/source
  • Use the new dosimeter in the clinical setting


Yan Yu, Jefferson

  • Lots of unknowns
  •  R = xAD+ xBDB
  • Therefore, need lots of data points, and the spectrum of test beams needs to be precisely known
  • Budget no longer covers radionucleotide seeds
  • (8 seeds for each data the point, for each sample)
  • Now replace seeds with low energy X rays from the mammography unit, different manufactures use different target materials
  • Possible new end-user – patient dose-tracking in diagnostic procedures (under discussion at AAPM) throughout a patient’s life
  • Vadim’s comments: discussion of issues related to shipping samples, irradiation by the post office. Possibility of having reader at the place of irradiation


Kasım Kurt, Mersin University

  • Develop Optical Luminescent Instrument / Reader
  • Now using spectrometers
  • Discussion regarding technical aspects of the reader design
  • Risks – luminesce signal not bright enough, also emission signal very short - < 2ms-
  • Solution:  try to detect with single-photon counting
  • Can also heat samples 


Zehra Yegingil, Cukurova University

  • Thermoluminescence lab
  • Has worked with several materials over the last five years
  • Also has Boron projects ongoing, with patented compounds. But these Boron compounds have fading issues.
  • Now focusing on BeO compounds.
  • New NATO project will look at BeO, MgO, TiO2, ZnO
  • BeO is very poisonous until made into a ceramic


Skype call with Wei Gao in New Zealand

  • 22 has a large lab with 22 people, mostly PhD
  • Works in Nanomaterials, oxides, surface, mechanical, and photo…. properties
  • Can makes oxide films
  • Maybe can grow Be-oxide with special properties, single crystal, and transparent form.