Project PartIcIpants


Zehra Yegingil, NATO Country Project Director (NPD)


Physics Department, Art & Sciences Faculty, Cukurova University Adana TURKEY


Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Toros University Mersin TURKEY

Detailed Research Interests:

Development and use of phosphors using Thermoluminescence and Optically Stimulated Luminescence techniques, Novel dosimeters, Ionizing radiation measurement, Radiation detection, Radiation protection, Emergency dosimetry, Radiation Physics, Use of radiation dosimetry in clinics, Monte Carlo simulation

Department web site:;;

(+90) 3223386084

Yaacov Richard Lawrence, Partner Country Project Director (PPD)

Ph.D. M.A.; M.B.B.S.; M.R.C.P. (MD equivalent)

Sheba Medical Center Hospital, The Radiation Oncology Department, Director of the Center for Translational Radiation Oncology, Tel HaShomer 52621 Ramat Gan ISRAEL

Detailed Research Interests:            

Translational radiation oncology, specializing in radiation treatment for lung, gastrointestinal and brain tumors, quality assurance of calibration -orthovoltage and kilovoltage irradiators

Clinical website:

Google Scholar website:

(+97) 235304410

Sergii Ubizskii Project Co-Director


Head of Laboratory at R&D Center for Solid State Electronics and Sensors

Semiconductor Electronics Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bandera St., 12, Lviv, 79013

Detailed research interests:

Main research activity is related to the investigation of physical properties of oxides and related materials in the form of single crystals, crystalline films, ceramics, nanoparticles and composites, their fabrication technology and after-synthesis modification by means of thermo-chemical treatment and irradiation, as well as their usage in devices of quantum- and optoelectronics, sensors of radiation, magnetic field, etc., other transducers and convertor devices including biomedical applications.

web site:

(+38) 0322582696

Yan Yu Project Co-Director

Professor, MBA, PhD

Professor, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Radiation Oncology Department, Bodine Center for Cancer Treatment, Division of Medical Physics 111 South 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 USA

Detailed research interests:

Robotic-assisted radiation delivery, motion tracking, Robotic brachytherapy, Smart needles, Automated treatment planning, NIR spectroscopy of acoustic radiation force mediated vascular effects for non-invasive cancer detection and therapeutic intervention, Multimodal optical imaging for cancer detection, disease mapping and IGT, Nanoparticle dose enhancements, Novel radiation dosimeters, Medical physics performance metrics, work value, staffing models, Radiation oncology quality measures, Global health                                                                                                                              


(+1) 215955-5998

Wei Gao Project Co-Director


Director of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Research Centre

The University of Auckland, Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Research Centre   Auckland New Zealand

Detailed research interests:

Transition metal semiconducting oxides, their synthesis, structure defect control, characterization, and property optimization, Electronic materials, thin films, and their optoelectronic properties, and device applications, Photocatalysts, energy conversion, environmental cleaning pollution removal and valuable materials recovery, Nanostructured coatings, thin films, and their surface properties.

Web site:

(+64) 99238175 

Kasim Kurt Project Co-Director


Mersin University, Art & Sciences Faculty, Physics Department Mersin

Detailed research interests:

Luminescence dosimetry materials, to investigate the characterization of dosimetry material by using the luminescence spectrum, to develop new devices that measure the spectrum of luminescence, to set up a radioluminescence spectrometer which monitored the spectrum of luminescence that is emitted from phosphorous materials.

Web site:

(+90) 3243610001 ext 14621 

Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy Project Co-Director

D.Sc., Prof.

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland)

Al. Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw Poland

Detailed research interests:

Optical and thermally activated spectroscopy of point defects, transition metal, and rare earth ions in complex oxide crystals with garnet, perovskite, and other types of structure. Energy and charge transfer processes between point defects and activator ions in the crystals. Photochromic properties of the crystals. Optical and luminescent properties of new solid-state laser, scintillator, and phosphor materials. Thermally and optically stimulated luminescence for radiation dosimetry.

Web site:

(+48) 221163518


External Experts

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vadim Chumak and Dr. Olena Bakhanova

Kyiv National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

04050, Melnikova 53, Kyiv UKRAINE


Detailed research interests:

Laboratory of External Exposure Dosimetry has excellence in the areas of retrospective dosimetry (dosimetric support of epidemiological studies, assessment of doses to evacuees and residents of contaminated territories), dosimetric monitoring (individual dosimetry), development of methods for assessment of effective and organ doses of workers and patients in anisotropic and non-uniform (modified by the application of protective gear) radiation fields. Skills and capabilities combine instrumental (thermoluminescent dosimetry, physical RANDO-Alderson phantoms, specialized dosemeters) and computer (mathematical models and dose algorithms, Monte Carlo calculations).


NRCRM web site: